PhD Students

  • Ankita Maddheshiya

    Ankita MaddheshiyaSupervisor: SOUVIK MUKHERJEE

    Brief Description of Project

    Globally, 25% of children < 5years suffer from growth restriction and impairment of overall development. India represents one-third of the global burden (38.4% born annually). Despite its high prevalence, biological and other associated factors that can lead to this condition are poorly understood. My research interest is focused on studying the impact of breastfeeding practices in the change i

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    n composition and diversity of the infant gut microbiome within the first 1 year of life and identifying the dysbiotic taxa along with their differentially enriched biosynthetic pathways that are associated with impaired child growth and development. The host-microbiome crosstalk will be investigated by a multi-omics approach and the contribution of both infant and maternal factors will be evaluated for their role in child growth impairment. Read less